Etel Adnan, “Untitled” (2014). Courtesy of the artist.

Etel Adnan, “Untitled” (2014).
Courtesy: Etel Adnan and Galerie Lelong & Co. Paris

The Center for the Study of Muslim Societies is an umbrella for faculty and student collaborations in cutting-edge research, integrated programming, innovative teaching and new forms of public outreach across the related fields of research on Islam and Muslim Societies at Columbia University.

Leadership in these fields is not new for Columbia. The university’s inquiry, instructional commitments and international recognition date back to the late nineteenth-century. At present, the university counts some 30 specialists (in over ten departments) in the core fields of Islamic Studies and over 80 scholars and 14 language lecturers concerned with various aspects of Muslim societies, including those in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, global diasporas and minority societies in the West.

Founded in 2018, CSMS crosses disciplines, area specializations and schools to create an institutional venue for faculty to collaborate on scholarly projects, build new initiatives and develop pedagogical tools.




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CSMS is a partner organization to the Middle East Institute of Columbia University. More information on this partnership as well as other projects can be found at